How Live Virtual Classes Work

Step zero: If you have never done Pilates with me before, or you are restarting and would like a consult and recommendation, please fill out this short form here. You will be prompted at the end of the form to schedule your free consultation.

Step 1:  Register for your class via

You must register for classes at least 1 hour in advance, and privates at least 12 hours in advance.  For last minute bookings, email Terriell at, however last minute availability is not guaranteed. You can book as many classes ahead of time up to 3 months in advance.

All bookings are subject to a 24-hour cancelation window. To avoid losing your session, please cancel or reschedule at-east 24 hours in advance of your appointment. All bookings must be paid in advance, and there are no refunds for any class purchases.

Step 2:  After booking, you’ll receive an email confirmation that will hold the Zoom link for the class.  Each class has a unique Zoom link.

All virtual privates and classes are held on zoom. You can download zoom and create an account for free here.

Step 3:  Approximately 24 hours before class, an email reminder will be delivered holding the Zoom link for the class.

Step 4:  Ensure your computer & mat is set up properly. I would love to be able to see you well, and if you are able to set your computer, tablet or phone like this it gives me the best view! If you’re not able to do that for any reason, don’t worry! I will still be able to see and support you even if you don’t have enough space to give me a horizontal view of your mat.

Please come in to class with your camera on. If you want your camera off in a group setting, please let me know. I want you to be comfortable! However, keep in mind that if I can’t see you, I can’t give you feedback on your form.

I encourage all class participants to ask questions before and after class. Feel free to come early and stay late up to five minutes. During group classes I will mute everyone to ensure all class participants can hear class instruction clearly.


Step 5:  Approximately 5-10 minutes prior to class, click on the Zoom link.  You’ll enter a virtual waiting room and I will admit you a few minutes before class is going to start. I will begin and end the class on time!

For group classes, you will be muted upon entering the Zoom room, but feel free to unmute yourself to introduce yourself and share any requests you have for class!

For Private lessons, we are in conversation during your session, so you will not be muted and can ask questions and give feedback throughout the session.

Step 6:  Enjoy your workout!

Step 7:  Register for your next class!